Friday, April 18, 2008

Fall Down Tree- Contest! Times Up!

We have some unbelievable children's artists in the lineup for the Spring shows! One of our new artists is Adam & Jill Record of Fall Down Tree. They recently started marketing children's wall art after searching for the perfect prints to adorn the wall of the first born's nursery. Jill begged her husband to draw something himself- since his favorite response to anything she showed him was, "I could totally make that". My husband does not say that when I show him stuff I like. He just says, "no."
There are many things to love about Fall Down Tree- I love the names and personalities they give all their characters, and the looming shadow of the wolf over Little Red (how clever!). But the best thing of all is they are generous! They are giving a print of your choice to the winner of today's contest. Everyone who leaves a comment about the uber coolness of their artwork will be entered and I will draw the name from a hat. or cup. or bowl. or something.
Contest closes Saturday, May 19th at midnight.