1. A few years ago I fell down my stairs and broke my ankle. It was horrible. My doctor told me I could never run or participate in high impact sports again. Which really was OK because the joke for most of my life was that I would only run if someone was chasing me with a knife. They did talk a lot about how good cycling is for my injury and I thought, "blah, blah, blah." My husband cycles and knowing how 'me on a bike would make his dreams come true' somehow made me even more resistant to the idea.
So, last February he left a flyer for the Little Red Riding Hood Ride on our kitchen counter. I am a total sucker for packaging, pink, women only and a challenge. I decided I would try to see if I could ride the 35 mile route. Little Red has 15, 35, 65, 80, and 100 mile routes to choose from. I thought 35 seemed fairly ambitious, after all it's riding a bike from my house to Provo. I begged my neighbors, sister in law, and even my own mother to do it with me. We rode and rode and rode and I really, REALLY, started to enjoy myself. (and my ankle was feeling awesome- the first time in 3 years, and I lost a little weight) I am really good at going down hill, not so much up them. We ended up doing the 65 mile route in about 5 hours and I am quite proud of myself. Next year we are planning on doing the century and want everyone to join us. Here we are, at the finish line, aren't we cute?
2. I serve on a local committee in Herriman called, Healthy Herriman. (I know it is funny, I mostly do their graphics and advertising) On that committee I met Brad Rowberry, one of the owners of Infinite Cycles. Brad is a great guy (even though he won't give me a new bike) and has a passion for human powered two wheeled conveyances. They have awesome selection, knowledgeable staff, and great customer service. If you are looking for someplace to invest your spending dollars, this just may be the place.
3. Infinite Cycles will be selling, among other things, Boot Scoot Bikes at Oh Sweet Sadie! My daughter learned to ride a two wheeler this summer, mostly due to a Boot Scoot Bike. Watch the video. From their site, "Most children start by walking while straddling their Boot Scoot. When they become more comfortable, they will begin to sit on the seat, push themselves forward, and maintain balance with both feet. As they learn to balance on their own, they will begin to lift their feet for short distances. Before long, they’ll be cruising along and you’ll have to quicken your pace just to keep up. Some children take a few days, others a few weeks to get the hang of it. No matter how long it takes, your child will have fun learning to ride their Boot Scoot."
Infinite Cycles is giving away a $75.00 Boot Scoot Zoomer to a lucky winner. Just leave a comment and you will be entered into the drawing. Extra points for telling me how great I am, Brad is, Infinite Cycles or Boot Scoot Bikes are. The contest will end Thursday, September 3rd when the next contest will be posted. Good Luck!
****This Contest is Closed****